Before getting into the trial & error aspects and the nitty gritty how-to's of the blog, I'd like to talk a little bit more about why each general subject of Home Economics is important.
Let's start with sewing.
I'm always surprised that so many people are afraid of sewing. I'm not saying that I'm a master sewer. In fact, I just started seriously sewing (or trying to sew) a few months ago. But it's amazing how little you need to know to sew, say, an entire dress! A dress that random people go out of their way to stop and compliment you on no less! It feels so good to say "I didn't buy this, I made it!" when someone asks where something you made comes from. It's always nice to receive a compliment, especially on something that you lovingly created.
Besides feeling chuffed that you've created something amazing and useful, there are other upsides to sewing too. One of the main benefits is that you'll waste less. There's a lot of talk at the moment about how Millennials basically don't know how to do anything our grandparents did when it comes not only to making our own clothes, but also maintaining the clothes we own. This lack of knowledge results in "more than 14.3 million tons of textile waste, [much of it] due to clothes being discarded due to minor tears or stains." Eek!
This guy says: "No textile waste here!"
The great thing is that you don't have to own a sewing machine, or know fancy tailoring techniques to contribute to sustainability. While it's fun to see something you create from scratch come together, it also feels good to see how much you've extended the life of a garment by simply mending a hole.
What are some of the sewing or mending techniques you'd like to learn? I've got some T & E's (trials and errors) in the works that I'll be sharing soon, and would love to hear what everyone else would like to learn too!